Most Affordable Psychology Schools for Active Duty Military and Veterans in California

Written by Jack Levinson

soldier talking in therapy with psychologist

A career in psychology can be an incredible path for veterans, who can draw from their experiences in the military to provide particularly empathetic care to fellow military members who are seeking support. However, for some veterans, the high cost of pursuing a graduate degree can feel too burdensome to take on.

If you are a veteran or active duty service member, there are opportunities for you to pursue a career as a psychologist at little to no cost thanks to the number of excellent affordable programs in California as well as federal and state assistance.

These can be nothing short of game-changing for those who are eager to get the next chapter of their lives started. This guide will provide listings of universities offering MA or MS of Psychology degrees in the vicinity of military bases, as well as information about how to use California’s military benefits to make your education as affordable as possible.

The Unique Impact of Veterans as Mental Health Counselors

Those who have served in the military experience circumstances that can be tremendously difficult for civilians to understand. Anyone with military experience would confirm this to be true. Veterans can also therefore understand how powerful the understanding of a fellow veteran can be during difficult times, providing insights that others simply wouldn’t possess.

Veterans who become mental health counselors or therapists can play an incredibly useful role in the lives of those in need, as well as contributing to positive change in society at large.

One such example is homelessness. California has the most homeless veterans of any state in the U.S., many of whom struggle with mental health challenges that are directly related to their experiences in the military. This means that veterans working as counselors in the state have the opportunity to help unhoused veterans address their emotional needs so that they can pick themselves back up, living fulfilling and rewarding lives.

This is just one example of the ways that veterans can positively impact their communities by becoming counselors. Veterans who are interested in becoming psychologists have a huge number of opportunities to make a difference.

Veterans’ Benefits Can Open Up New Educational Possibilities for You

group session with military personnel

The guide below provides a list of affordable academic institutions offering Psychology programs in the state of California. As a veteran or active duty service member, you should recognize that your admissions process will work differently from other students, and that you have numerous resources at your disposal to help relieve or even altogether eliminate the cost of graduate school.

As a prospective student, it’s imperative that you look into California veterans’ benefits as you apply to your psychology master’s program. The same goes for active duty education benefits for those who are still serving in the military.

From federal programs supporting veterans to state education grants for active duty military, there’s no shortage of ways to put your psychology education in your own hands.

CalVet Benefits at CSU Schools for Veterans and Their Families

As you’ll see in the index below, there are many Cal State schools offering excellent Master of Psychology degree programs, and many of them are located in the vicinity of military bases, making them an excellent choice for veterans or active duty service members looking to pursue next steps in their education. If you’re interested in enrolling in one of these programs, good news: the CalVet program offers targeted resources to CSU students to make their education as affordable as possible. This is a state-funded program that can supplement or complement your federal benefits.

Veterans must apply for CalVet benefits; eligible students can receive as much as full tuition coverage. Applicants will apply directly through CalVet (not through the specific CSU school of their choice). This is the California state approving agency for veterans’ education. It’s worth noting that CalVet also offers the College Fee Waiver program for dependents and spouses of disabled veterans, which can eliminate 100% of tuition costs at CSU schools.

Veterans’ Benefits at CalPoly Schools

Students attending CalPoly schools can also make use of a variety of benefits for veterans and their families. These can include CalVet benefits or other federal VA benefits. Take a look at  CalPoly’s Center for Military-Connected Students to get started determining which funding path will go the furthest for you.

Index: The Most Affordable Military-Friendly Psychology Master’s Programs

happy woman talking with therapist

Below is a guide to the most budget-friendly Master of Psychology programs in California for veterans and active-duty service members. All of these programs offer military benefits to help fund your education (see above and visit program websites for more specific information). Schools that do not offer CalVet benefits are Yellow Ribbon Schools.

Note: The guide below identifies military bases in the proximity of each school. In this case “in proximity” means universities that are within 45 minutes (driving) from each military base.

Cal State University – Dominguez Hills

MS in Counseling

MS in Marriage and Family Therapy

MS in Occupational Therapy

MA in Psychology

Program format(s): On campus

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: Dominguez Hills

Nearby military bases: Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos

Cal State University – Long Beach

MA in Psychological Research

MS in Human Factors

MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: Long Beach

Nearby military bases: Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos

Cal State University – Los Angeles

MA of Psychology

MS of Forensic Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: Los Angeles

Nearby military bases: Los Angeles Air Force Base

Cal State University – Sacramento

MS of Applied Behavioral Analysis

MS of Psychological Research

MA in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: Sacramento

Nearby military bases: Defense MicroElectronics Activity

Cal State University – San Marcos

MA in Psychological Science

Program format(s): On-campus

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: San Marcos

Nearby military bases: Camp Pendleton

California Polytechnic State University

MS in Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: San Luis Obispo

Nearby military bases: Camp San Luis Obispo, Camp Roberts

Concordia University Irvine

MA in Counseling – Clinical Mental Health

MA in Education – School Counseling

MA in Education – School Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus, online

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $8,630

Location: Irvine

Nearby military bases: Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach

Point Loma Nazarene University

MA in Clinical Counseling (In-person)

MA in School Counseling (Online)

MS in School Counseling (Online)

Program format(s): Vary by program

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $11,880

Location: San Diego

Nearby military bases: Imperial Beach, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Naval Base Coronado, Naval Base Point Loma, Naval Base San Diego, Silver Strand Training Complex

San Diego State University

MA in Counseling (Hybrid)

MS in Marriage and Family Therapy (On-campus)

MS in School Psychology with PPS Credentials (On-campus)

MA in Psychology (On-campus)

MS in Applied Psychology (On-campus)

Program format(s): Vary by program (see below)

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: San Diego

Nearby military bases: Imperial Beach, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Naval Base Coronado, Naval Base Point Loma, Naval Base San Diego, Silver Strand Training Complex

San Jose State University

MA in Research and Experimental Psychology

MS in Clinical Psychology

MS in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $7,176

Location: San Jose

Nearby military bases: Moffett Federal Airfield

UC Irvine

MA in Legal and Forensic Psychology

Program format(s): Online with on-campus in-residence course

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $12,264

Location: Irvine

Nearby military bases: Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach

UC Riverside

MA in Educational Psychology

Program format(s): Online with on-campus in-residence course

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $12,264

Location: Riverside

Nearby military bases: March Air Reserve Base

UMass Global

MA in Counseling, PPS with CWA Certification

MA in Marriage and Family Therapy

MA in Professional Clinical Counseling

MA in Marriage and Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counseling

Program format(s): Online

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $12,762

Location: Aliso Viejo

Nearby military bases: Fully online program

Vanguard University

MS in Clinical Psychology

MS in Industrial & Organizational Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus, online

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $12,618

Location: Costa Mesa

Nearby military bases: Camp Pendleton

William Jessup University

MA in Counseling Psychology

Program format(s): On-campus, online

Estimated cost of tuition (per year, in-state): $12,618

Location: Rocklin

Nearby military bases: Beale Air Force Base


Are all CSU schools eligible for CalVet benefits?

Yes. This is a fantastic resource for veterans all across the state of California, who have the many excellent California State University schools at their disposal to pursue the next steps of their careers. The Cal State schools included in the guide above are all located in proximity to military bases, making them especially convenient choices for active duty military members as well as veterans who have remained close to their bases after completing their service.

Can spouses and family members of military members and veterans use military benefits?

In many cases, yes. There are targeted  active duty spouse education benefits as well as California disabled veterans education benefits for dependents. These can also provide wonderfully extensive support for families of those in the military, and are worth researching with the same level of diligence and care that veterans use when looking at educational opportunities.

Where are psychologists who work with veterans employed?

There are a wide range of organizations that offer supportive services to veterans. Some are explicitly veterans-focused organizations, such as the VA. Others are involved in causes that are more tangentially related to veterans, such as organizations fighting homelessness. The number of veterans among California’s homeless is over eleven thousand, a staggering number that means that psychologists working for such agencies are likely to work directly with veterans themselves.

What types of psychological services can veterans practice?

Veterans are able to pursue any type of psychology degree and license they wish for. While many if not most veterans who become psychologists wish to work with other veterans, offering their uniquely compassionate perspective, there are no limitations on what type of counseling they can provide. If you are a veteran looking to start your career in psychology, the sky’s the limit on what you can pursue.